Friday, May 25, 2007

Saxon Cole Music Mix Vol 3

Rumor has it that the Saxon Cole team have Canon tattooed on their arms, some say they do chin ups for hours with heavy cameras strapped around their necks, the secret to their creativity? - easy - the latest mix tape they've compiled for inspirational listening on the way to each of their weddings.

driving to heaven tiesto / ur tiesto / blue water black rock feat debra andrew / music sounds better with you stardust / i love it sneaky sound system / woman wolfmother / dani california red hot chillie peppers / my friend groove armada / vu d'lci pierre bondu

Monday, May 21, 2007

Danny and Marall's wedding

Last weekend we shot an amazing wedding. Danny and Marall had their ceremony at Chatswood which was followed by a mad dash around North Sydney with the entourage to get the location photos Danny and Marall wanted, then back to St Ives for the reception at Pymble golf course. All this was done in less than 1.5 hours and I'm proud to say that that the team along with the entourage pulled it off!

Gus was the lead photographer at this wedding, and the associate photographer for the day was Felix. The gopher for the day was no other than you guessed it - yours truly. It's been a while since I packed equipment and carried bags as well as provided the role as driver - but I have to say it's great to watch the other guys in the Saxon Cole team go to work. Gus did a fantastic job of composing our photos and Felix added not only additional candid photos - but much needed comic relief.

It's been a while since I've posted a shot of us working so here's what we looked like shooting Danny and Marall's photo for the new homepage image that we're using, before and after.

Gus doing whatever it takes ..

.. to get the shot

Many thanks should go to Amir of Angel Classic Cars and Joey from Eurovideo productions for their awesome teamwork on the day. Danny and Marall are typical of the type of clientèle we love to shoot as Danny said to me on the day - 'I trust you guys - and I want you guys to do whatever you want..'. Danny was after that 'quirky' shot and so we took some photos by a window of a local pub at North Sydney called the Rag and Famish.

Interestingly, Danny is originally from Montreal Canada, and he was the one who found our site while he was still back home - I'm still a little unsure how he came across our site from Canada but I'm certainly glad he found us, because looking back I certainly wouldn't have wanted to miss out on capturing his wedding.

Danny and Marall, congratulations on a fantastic day, it was an experience meeting your family and friends, please tell Ara that we hope he and the rest of your family enjoy their stay in Australia.

much love,

Gus, Felix and Wil.